Mayor Rokhsana Fiaz statement on the hate crime at Stratford Islamic Centre Mosque
Rokhsana Fiaz OBE, Mayor of Newham speaks out against an incidence of hate crime in our borough.
Majority of Newham children gain a place at first preference primary school
• More than 98 per cent of Newham children due to start primary school from September 2023 have been offered a place at one of their parents’ top three preferred schools.
Easter fun, food and free activities in Newham
Newham’s extensive Holiday, Activity and Food (HAF) programme is up and running for the Easter break.
Newham libraries have welcomed half a million visitors during the Warm Havens initiative
• Half a million visits to libraries November 2022-March 2023 • 46% increase in library footfall
Statement from Mayor of Newham Rokhsana Fiaz regarding the tragic fire in Beckton
The fire occurred on April 6.
Statement from the Mayor of Newham Rokhsana Fiaz and Councillor Amar Virdee, Cabinet Member for Community Safety
Mayor of Newham Rokhsana Fiaz and Councillor Amar Virdee, Cabinet Member for Community Safety said:
Cabinet agrees to cap ground rent for leasehold home owners
• New powers to adjust the freehold ground rent developers charges to ensure they are set at a level that enables the developer to reduce leaseholder ground rents. • Maximum ground rent charges of £250
Newham Council buys additional homes for sub-market rent levels
• Council purchases a mix of new build and existing street properties • New acquisitions assist the reduction in the Council’s reliance on costly, insecure, nightly-let accommodation
Newham Council agrees acquisition of Wakeling Court for pioneering vulnerable adults’ accommodation
• Proposed acquisition to become first Newham Living scheme, a new distinctive high-quality supported accommodation for vulnerable adults • This support the rising demand for Care Homes in the
Making Newham’s journeys smoother and safer with £10 million for roads and paths
Making Newham’s journeys smoother and safer with £10 million for roads and paths
Covid Memorial Garden opens in Plaistow Park
Over 100 residents attended the opening of Newham Covid Memorial Garden in Plaistow Park on Monday, 3 April.